If it can be automated, it should be automated.
Manchester Airports Group’s (MAG) vision is to become a world leader in airport facilities and travel services, moving from short-term thinking to long-term planning. With growing passenger numbers and increasing demands for efficiency, MAG recognized the need to transform its approach to airport management. Nick Woods, Chief Information Officer, Manchester Airports Group, explains:
“Working with Copenhagen Optimization has been instrumental in transforming our airport operations. The implementation of Connected Operations has enabled us to deliver a real step-change in efficiency and passenger satisfaction.”
– Nick Woods, Chief Information Officer, Manchester Airports Group.
How do you enable airport operators to think holistically?
MAG is partnering with Copenhagen Optimization to create Connected Operations. The term ‘Connected Operations’ describes an operational environment where the airport views their operations holistically and applies solutions to empower all employees and stakeholders to make the right decisions.
The key to Connected Operations at MAG’s airports is the integration of MAG’s existing airport systems with Copenhagen Optimization’s Better Airport software. Better Airport utilizes a range of data sources from across the airport operations to facilitate collaborative and data-driven processes, thus, becoming a central figure in MAG’s ecosystem.
Together, MAG’s existing tech stack and Copenhagen Optimization’s Better Airport software make up MAG’s Airport Intelligence Platform. The platform gathers data from disparate sources throughout the airport and feeds it to the relevant subsystems where it is transformed into predictive and prescriptive analytics.
All data sources flow into that integration layer and are not separately distributed across it. Creating this integration was a complex task, but after overcoming some technical challenges, the outcome is a platform that runs automatically, enabling MAG to get the data it needs to optimize operations in real-time.
Optimizing airport flows
The most significant change for MAG’s airports is to now view their operations as having two “flows” – a passenger flow and an aircraft flow. The passenger flow relates to areas of the operation where passengers are the determining factor, such as check-in and security. The aircraft flow focuses on the stand and gate processes, tax processes, and runway operations. It is these two flows and their associated software components that equip the airports to optimize their infrastructure utilization in real-time, including:
To fully achieve Connected Operations, MAG’s Airport Intelligence Platform takes this a step further by sharing data and information among stakeholders. Thus, providing optimized plans, suggested actions, and making it a strong decision-making tool. Connected Operations is about understanding how all the airport areas are linked and impact each other.
Through the effective use of AI and algorithms, Connected Operations allow MAG’s airports and airport operators to think more holistically about how everything flows through the airport – from arrival to exiting the terminal at the end of it.
Results and next steps
MAG and Copenhagen Optimization are working towards a shift from siloed, short-term reactions to connected, proactive scenario planning. This shift empowers MAG to make informed decisions in real time, optimizing infrastructure utilization and enhancing the overall passenger experience.
Better Aiport has proven its worth as a Connected Operations platform. Which is why MAG is now adding Copenhagen Optimization’s Better Stand & Gate software module to be their future solution for planning and operating their stand and gate operations. Introducing a dynamic stand allocation plan will solve many everyday technical and logistical issues associated with stand and gate management at MAG.
About Manchester Airports Group
MAG is the UK’s largest airport group. It owns and operates three UK airports: Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands. In 2022/23, MAG handled 54 million passengers, employed more than 38,000 people, and handled more than 700,000 tonnes of air cargo.